This 400th anniversary campaign, carried out throughout 2013, is finished. The work to honor treaties with Native Nations and protect the Earth continues. Learn more, or join in that work: contact the Onondaga Nation, Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation, Neetopk Keetopk (Hudson Valley), Onondaga Canoe and Kayak Club or Two Row Paddle down the Grand (2016).

The River Remembers a Poetic Tribute to the Two Row

by Robin Kimmerer and Janine DeBaise

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The river remembers our voices
Paddles up!                                    Bow to stern!
Two Row!                                        Wampum!

  Honor the Treaties!                       Protect the Earth!

The river remembers our paddles                           Our paddles remember the river
Sunrise glowed on our faces                                            Our faces reflected the light
as we gathered for morning meeting                                as our minds became one
A worried ally asked about the forecast                               50% chance of rain
Chief Edwards told us his forecast                                   “100% chance of awesome.”
Paddlers gathered from the Four Directions               Strength flowed in the Four Directions
The Wind remembers our flags                                  and the stories we carried back home
Our teachers said, “Be kind to each other.”                Our kindness remembers our teachers.
The Shore remembers morning launch                       canoe after canoe, many hands helping
Bow to stern, two rows of boats                                       natives on the west, allies on the east
Hearts and eyes followed Hickory                                     waiting for the signal: paddles up!
River remembers laughter and water fights         Skin remembers river washing away sweat
Safety paddlers with orange bandanas                              encouraged us, made us feel safe
Coast guard and Sheriff boats                                                     followed us, ready to help
Elders remember the young people                              The young people remember the elders
Winds carried our voices                                                    Our singing celebrated the wind
The people remember the bridge                                            Two rows paddled beneath
The Unity Riders joined us                                                  The bridge remembers the horses
Sun remembers the tips of our noses                            Nose remember the kisses of sunburn
Solar power charged our phones                                     Our phones carry the pictures still
Willows offered us shade                                                            We paddled with gratitude
The canoe does not steer the ship                                       The ship does not steer the canoe
We honor each other’s sovereignty                                         and agree to live side by side
We passed snacks from boat to boat                                 We shared trail mix and cookies
The riverbank remembers the chanting                    The chanting remembers the riverbank
The anti-war songs, the protest                                        The way sunlight led us forward
We gasped at dead fish floating                                 Fish remember when the river was clean
The air remembers the music                                              The music celebrated the air
the drumming, the voices                                                           the singing, the words
We ate in circles, slept in circles                                         Sometimes we paddled in circles
The Thunderers came to protect us                               The young ones danced in the rain
The canoe remembers the shaping hands                  Hands remember the gift of the tree
The little dog Huxley remembers hands petting           We all remember the little dog
Hand remembers hand                                                               the clasp of friendship
Grandmother Moon saw us dancing                           counterclockwise around the campfire
Our feet remember the rhythm                                             the moonlit circle of singing
We remember the joyous greetings                            helping hands, open hearts, open minds
when our boats touched the shore                                                    we felt loved
The shore welcomed our feet                                              Our feet welcomed the shore
Our bellies remember buffalo stew                   Blisters remember the gentle gift of bandaids
Our hearts remember the ground crew              their muscular backs, their generous hands
Our leaders guided with the Good Mind                         We placed trust in our leaders
The Grasses softened our sleeping in tents                  where we talked and we dreamed
Strangers took us into their homes                               offered showers and stories and tea
cupcakes frosted like a wampum belt                       a yacht club welcomed our sweaty flotilla
Skyscrapers remember two rows of boats                       and the people who cheered us on
Our backs remember the tides                                             The wind remembers our backs
We send thanks to the River                                                  The River that runs both ways
We send thanks for our journey                                              together on the River of Life
Together we brightened the Covenant Chain                     of Peace and Friendship forever
Every stroke a prayer for peace                                            Every mile a step toward justice
The Eagle circled above us in prayer                                  Our prayers remember the Eagle
Ancestors paddled among us                                              We paddled among the ancestors.
The children speak of our vision                                        Our vision speaks of the children
The wampum remembers the promise                          We honor the wampum, the promise
we made to each other                                                                   we make to each other

The river remembers our voices
Paddles up!                                    Bow to stern!
Two Row!                                        Wampum!

  Honor the Treaties!                       Protect the Earth!